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Some of our users are observers on a project, but for that project, Users, Roles and Permissions… is greyed out. Is this a special kind of share? I seem to remember something about a new kind of share, but I can’t see it in the list of new features of either 7.5, or 7.6.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

1 Answer

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The “Users, Roles and Permissions…” item should only be disabled for
resource projects. The File > Print Draft option should also be disabled in
this case and some others.

This has happened for some projects that started as revisions of a resource

New ways of sharing resource projects is part of Paratext 8 - just getting
started on this.

Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)

I have seen at least one situation where a user had clicked on the Tools > Advanced > Create Resource Text option. What this does it to put files needed to install a resource in C:\stdtexts. When you install this resource using Project > Install Resources it overwrites the settings of the original project with a resource version (the original sfm files are not lost – they just no longer get accessed). If most of the options under the Project menu are grey then it is probably a resource.


This project was acquired via Send/Receive, so I think the situation is a little different from the one you describe.

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