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I have followed the USFM 3 hierarchy of SFMs in the Glossary I have recently started. \id GLO

\mt# - Main title.
\is# - Introduction heading.
\ip - Introduction paragraph.
\s# - Section heading (e.g. headings of alphabetical divisions - “A”, “B”, C” etc.)
\p - Main entry (required). May also be used for any additional paragraphs in the definition entry (optional).
\k …\k* - Main entry keyword (required).
\pi - Sub-entries, or secondary paragraph(s) (if indentation is preferred).
\li# - List item.

\tl …\tl* - National idiom word(s).

Any marker I enter following \mt, other than \ip, will be red, or anything after \ip. A post Proper USFM for glossary (../3352/proper-usfmfor-glossary), answered Mar 28, 2018 said to copy frtbak.sty to the project folder, and restart paratext, because it affects only the non scripture books. I tried that, with no success.
Is there a more recent "fix"?
Paratext by (132 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
What happens if you put \c 1 near the top of the file? Most of those markers expect to follow a \c marker, even in a non-Scripture book (I think the idea of the frtbak.sty was to bypass that, but it's easier to just add the \c marker in).
by (1.8k points)
0 votes
As mnjames has said, adding a \c 1 after the main title should take care of the red markers. In the normal usfm standard \p must be preceeded by \c. This is not a problem for books with only one chapter.

The other way to handle this is to use a file called frtbak.sty

You can find information about how to create this in help: How do I create a separate stylesheet for front and back matter?
by (8.4k points)
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