0 votes

We want to add some note categories with unique tags. But the only icon available is the flag:

We used to have this range of choices:

...but those options have disappeared. Can anyone explain why?

Paratext by (175 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
It looks like you've already used all the available options.

I hadn't realized this, but it seems like you can only use each picture once. After that, the only option must be the default tag.
by (1.8k points)
Ah! Good observation; yes we have used each one once.

But I wonder: why can't we use the other icons more than once with different colors (just as we have three colors of flags?) Is this a limitation of the software, or are the choices limited by design?

If the latter, how would we go about requesting that a few more icons be added to the palette?
It sounds like you'll need to submit a feature request to the PT team. You can do that via the Help > Give Feedback dialogue.

My guess is that they simply didn't imagine that people would use so many different icons, and so didn't consider your situation (I've only ever seen one project use that many before, and in actual practice they weren't really _using_ most of them).

I would guess that allowing the same icons to be used multiple times in different colors would be a very simple fix on their part, though that doesn't mean they would have the time to do it (they have very few developers doing the actual work). On the other hand, adding new icons (meaning designing new icons) is less likely a "simple" fix.
0 votes
It looks like a bug that you can only use each icon once. I don't recall that we made a decision to allow each icon to be used just once. I believe you should be able to use each of the icons in each of the three colours. That would give you 51 tags to name and use. But it was about ten years ago that those icons were added, so my memory is hazy!
Someone in the PT team has added a link to this discussion in a bug report we already had about this.
by [Moderator]
(1.1k points)

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