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PTXprint doesn't print our Psalms... I have these line in a Module (copied from https://lingtran.net/Example-Modules):

\p \bd Psalm: \bd* \it $(LUK 1:46b-55)\it* pa \it $(PSA 80:1-7)\it*


\b \p \bd Psalm\bd*
\r \it $(LUK 1:46-55)\it*
\p \it Luk 1:46b-55\it*
\ref LUK 1:46-55
\s3 pa
\r \it $(PSA 80:1-7)\it*
\p \it Sam 80:1-7\it*
\ref PSA 80:1-7

The passage from Luke here prints, but Psa. 80:1-7 doesn't—only the headings appear. In fact, PTXprint doesn't call in the verses from any of the Psalms and print them... It's the only book this happens with, even though we use vernacular names for all of them. The book \id is PSA, all the verses are translated (the Module shows 100%), and there are "0 Errors" flagged in the Module. Any ideas what could be amiss?

Edit: I can print the whole book of Psalms with PTXprint. There is a Syntax Error that appears (I've posted a different question about this), but clicking OK enables the print job to move forward and be completed. I don't get the same Syntax Error when trying to print the Module, even though the line that throws the error in the stand-alone print job is included in the Module.

Still quite stumped by this... I'd love to get this module printed and into the hands of people to be able to review before Advent (1 Dec. 2024). ;-)

PTXprint by (611 points)
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1 Answer

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Hi Paul, Yes, there's something strange going on. I have just tested your module (as shown above) and there's nothing wrong with the definition -- it happily produces an output. Do you happen to have any strange/rogue changes.txt rules that might be throwing a spanner in the works? There's nothing obvious that you're doing wrong.

If you can't solve this yourself, then please create an archive using the button on the Help tab (with PSA and LUK included) and send it to ptxprint (underscore) support (at) sil.org and I'll see what else I can discover.
by (2.5k points)
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I do have a changes.txt file but it's all #-ed out, except for the last line:
include "../../../PrintDraftChanges.txt"
PrintDraftChanges.txt has a number of lines to convert < / << quotation markers to curly quotes. I wouldn't think those would cause this issue...?
Thanks for offering to have a look at my project. I'll create an archive and send it your way.
For the record, there was a stray \x cross-reference in the PSA book which was tripping up the rest of the process. Once that was fixed it works as expected. (We will look into providing more helpful feedback in future).
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