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I have just installed Paratext (latest 9.2) on two new computers. After installing and putting in registration code, I went to S/R from the Internet. Nothing. No projects come up. If I do a S/R from a USB key, however, that works. And then after that S/R, I seem to be able to do S/R from the Internet again. Don’t know what that’s all about…

Paratext by (1.3k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Maybe restarting the computer after the install would also have helped the first internet send/receive?

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)
0 votes

I know this is long after the fact, but were you able to repor this @jeffh?

by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)
0 votes

I can’t remember if I reported it or not… Feel free to report if you’ve seen this. I’m not in a position to report it right at the moment, but I should have some more installs on new computers in the coming months, and may come across it again.

by (1.3k points)

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