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In a couple of weeks we will travel to PNG to work with translators. One task is to set up a new computer for one of the translators. Because of the earthquake a week ago, the cables for Internet access to PNG were damaged, and connection speeds are extremely low. The computer is already there, so I can’t do anything in advance.

What should I take with me to get set up? Can I get an installer that is self-contained and doesn’t require downloading from the Internet?

I will be moving him from Paratext 8 on a virtual machine Linux to Paratext 9 on a new computer Windows 10, so I know that I have a fair bit of training to do. But I assume that I can copy files from his old computer to get his data and whatever resources he has, or from my own computer to get my resources. Any advice on what to transfer and what not to transfer would be appreciated.


Paratext by (312 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

The Paratext Offline installer should have everything needed to run Paratext. You will also need to download the latest patch to get Paratext up-to-date - both can be found here.

I’m not very familiar with Linux, so I can’t help with transferring the files.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

For transferring the shared project, I think you could get the latest server copy of the project on your computer the day before you leave, then do a send/receive from your computer to USB when you get there, do another send/receive to the USB from the old computer, then a send/receive via USB to the new computer.

0 votes

The installer will include the standard resources which come with PT. If he downloaded other ones from DBL you can find those in his old My Paratext 8 Projects folder in the _Resources folder. Those too can be copied to a usb drive and then placed in his new directory.

Note that if you and he are in different organizations, then copying from your _Resources folder may result in him getting resources he doesn’t have the rights for. I think that PT will then block him from using those resources, but they may still show up in lists and cause confusion.

by (1.7k points)
0 votes

OK, thank you. I have the files downloaded. The translator is under the same organisation, so copying things from my _Resources folder shouldn’t be a problem. Hopefully all goes smoothly when I actually do what is needed.

by (312 points)
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