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Paratext was not able to connect to the DBL server to retrieve available resources


PTX Error

Paratext by (111 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

@anon221942, What version of Windows are you using?
There are known issues with Windows 8 and older that they lack the proper security protocols to connect to some of our servers. Upgrading to Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 usually fixes it.

EDIT: Otherwise, you can send in a problem report (Help > Give feedback) so we can take a closer look at what is going on.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


its a new system Windows 11

0 votes

One of our translator he is using Paratext in Windows 8 pro desktop. He’s also face same issue. Kindly help us in this regards.


by (110 points)
0 votes

One way to handle this issue with older versions of Windows is to download the resources to Paratext on another computer and then copy the c:\My Paratext 8(or 9) Projects_Resources folder to the computer having the problem. Using this method you can still only access resources that are available to your organization.

by (8.4k points)

we have several resources access in our organization (other team members getting those resources)

Use a VPN on your computer, and then try it. (My experience)

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