Hello anon421222,
Thank you for responding to my post. The version I am using is
Here’s what I am noticing. When I insert \pi at the beginning of a verse eg \pi \v6 it does not reflect in the interlinearizer but when I insert it in the middle of a verse then it does reflect it. Also it does seem like that \pi for beginning (in front of) a verse is being reflected at the end of the previous verse. Is that normal?
I am attaching herwith 2 snapshots to show what I mean.
If this is is how it was meant to work then its fine but it would be better if \pi was reflected at the beginning of the verse and not at the end of the previous verse in the interlinerizer.
pi-2.PNG1898×1036 243 KB
pi-1.PNG1895×1036 239 KB