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I have made changes to the USM markers in my text by inserting \pi but it does not relect in the interlinearizer. I tried closing and restarting the program many times but it still doesnt not reflect. Earlier when I inserted poetry markers \q and \q1 they were reflected in the Interlinearizer. Is anything I need to do to make sure changes in USM markers in the text will reflect in the Interlinearizer?

Paratext by (179 points)

1 Answer

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I tried inserting \pi in Paratext 9.0 and opening the Interlinearizer. The Interlinearizer had no problem. What version of Paratext are you using?

by [Expert]
(734 points)

Hello anon421222,

Thank you for responding to my post. The version I am using is

Here’s what I am noticing. When I insert \pi at the beginning of a verse eg \pi \v6 it does not reflect in the interlinearizer but when I insert it in the middle of a verse then it does reflect it. Also it does seem like that \pi for beginning (in front of) a verse is being reflected at the end of the previous verse. Is that normal?

I am attaching herwith 2 snapshots to show what I mean.

If this is is how it was meant to work then its fine but it would be better if \pi was reflected at the beginning of the verse and not at the end of the previous verse in the interlinerizer.



It sounds like it is working as designed. Other markers also work that way. For example, section headings with \s appear with the previous verse, even though conceptually they belong to the following verses. The Interlinearizer is really only looking at 1 verse at a time, and anything between those verse markers is what you’ll see in the Interlinearizer.

Is this causing any issues or just different than your expectation?

Hello Stephen+Katt,

I just noticed today that evn the \p marker shows up in the previous verse of the interlinearizer. So it means that it is working properly.

It’s no problem at all, just different from my expectation. Had I known about the \p also not showing up I wouldn’t have had such an expectation.

Anyway, thanks for the input.



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