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We have a team who recently reported that their Interlinearizer, Word List, and Search “stopped working”.

Here are the descriptions they gave:

  • In the interlinearizer NAT (BRT), the glosses are all red, whereas before there were many approved word glosses.
  • The word list doesn’t show the verses any more where a certain word appears.
  • The search tool doesn’t work anymore.

It turns out that they recently changed their language code:

“You asked about whether there was a change concerning the abbreviation for N*. I had requested that N* be listed as a separate language in the ethnologue. The new code is xyz (X*). The old code was abc, but that is the C* language in our country. So yes, there was a split.” (language codes/names changed to protect privacy).

I’m assuming that we can “fix” the interlinear data by following this process: A manual restore of interlinear data after migration

But are there other places that we need to change the language code or something to make the Word List and Search tools work? Is there a better way to do this than manually?



Paratext by [Moderator]
(2.1k points)

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This has been submitted as a problem report, so the developers are working with the team.

by [Moderator]
(2.1k points)

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