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I am working on Arabic script project. Need similar word combinations(Letters that sound alike). If anyone have please share.

Paratext by (224 points)

2 Answers

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@Prabhu_beelagi, The letters used are language-specific. You need to put in letter combinations that sound similar in the language of the project - so every language will be different. The combinations you need to enter are letters (or groups of letters) that sound very similar when spoken.
Thus, saying you are working on a project that uses an Arabic script doesn’t really help because that does not help define the language.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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When looking for similar words in a translation project, I searched for “phonetically similar segments”.
That is, one-by-one, I looked for “t-d”, “p-b”, “k-g”, “t-th”, “s-z”, “b-v” (and many others).
I also found it helpful (much to my surprise) to consider that all vowels were similar to each other.

by [Expert]
(733 points)

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