I have an Arabic script project which has 3 levels of quotes:
« ‹ “ ” › »
These have the following Unicode code points:
\u00AB \u2039 \u201C \u201D \u203A \u00BB
The top two levels reverse themselves automatically in my RTL project in Paratext. So for example, I use \u00AB to open a quote, but it looks like this on the screen: ». This is generally normal behavior in RTL, and I’m fine with that.
But the third level quotes are not reversing in the same way. In order to get this in Paratext:

I need to use \u201D on the right (the “opening” quote) and \u201C on the left (the “closing” quote).
It is true that in the Unicode standard U+201C is LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK, and U+201D is RIGHT, etc. But the guillemets are defined in the same way (using RIGHT- and LEFT-POINTING), but they reverse.
However, it appears that my XeTeX publishing process DOES reverse them, so if they appear properly in Paratext, they get reversed in the PDF output. That’s not a problem - I have a processing step in between them, and I can swap the characters if I need to.
BUT MY QUESTION is what is the CORRECT form to have in Paratext? The Scripture text data will be used in YouVersion and elsewhere, and it would be helpful if those quotes are turned around the right way in those outputs as well. Should I assume that if it appears correctly in Paratext, that it will appear correctly in YouVersion? Or should I use U+201C as the opening quote, even though it doesn’t appear properly in Paratext, because down-the-road outputs will do the right thing?