+1 vote

Very often (but not always, it seems), when a person with consultant/typesetter role looks at any of the project settings, but makes no changes, then the next time they do a S/R Ptx shows the project as “Edited” in the list, and after the S/R it says “Paratext sent changes that you have made.” I have experienced this several times myself, and it has also been reported more than once by translation consultants. I tested it again the other day in a project in which I am a consultant/typesetter. I looked at Project Properties, Scripture Reference Settings, Quotation Rules, Number Settings and Language Settings, but made no changes anywhere. (In fact the OK button was greyed out on all except the Language Settings dialog, and I definitely made NO changes there.) The language teams get nervous when they do a S/R and see that I or another consultant/typesetter have apparently made changes, but it never says exactly what those changes are. In my test the changes were listed as “Properties and Settings” but on other occasions it has simply shown my name with no indication as to where the changes were made.
I can provide the project names and dates offlist if that would help diagnose the problem.

Paratext by (304 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

By experimenting I see that Ptx considers the project edited whenever a person runs Basic Checks. I did S/R, then ran the chapter/verse check, and the project was tagged as Edited. I immediately did S/R without doing anything else, and it gave the following notification, saying it had sent changes that I had made. But note that there is no indication as to what or where those changes were (because of course there were none!)
Is this the expected behaviour?

by (304 points)
0 votes

Please send a private message to me with the name of the project and a date in the project history where you saw this happen.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

I have the same issue. The teams I work with don’t seem to get worried that I have apparently made changes (though I haven’t) but it’s seems an unhelpful anomaly. Anyway of stopping it?

by (207 points)
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