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Continuing the discussion from PT regex flavour and scope:

Would anyone like me to submit this as a feature request?

Paratext by (1.4k points)

3 Answers

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One reason for keeping this is that it gives a history of what you “tried” to change. Also, if any edits had been made to the text those will be reflected in the history point. In my example I had not made any additional changes before doing the Find/Replace so it doesn’t show any changes.

Often I’ll do a Find before doing a Find/Replace so that I can check to see if the item even exists.


by (8.0k points)

… which is what I would do.

And this is exactly my point: if users were disciplined enough to do a Find first, then there would be no “unnecessary” points marked; but since many of our users seem to just go ahead and use Replace, our History is littered with these “attempts at Replace”.

Either way, I can’t really see why you would want to know what you tried to change …

0 votes

Yes. That looks like a good idea. Seems little to lose.

by (492 points)
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by (1.2k points)
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