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I’m trying to switch from Paratext 8 to Paratext 9. I have used our project’s interlinearizer heavily in PT8 with no problems. In PT9 when I try to edit a parse in the interlinearizer it gives me this error message: “An internal error has occurred. Support has been notified. Exception: Paratext System.ArgumentException FdoLexEntryLexeme.cs:414”

Does anyone know what this means or why the interlinearizer in PT9 is not allowing me to edit the parses?

Thank you!

Paratext by (105 points)

1 Answer

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For future reference, these types of problems should be handled by using Paratext > Help > Give feedback.

In this particular case, I was able to find your error report. The error message is “The specified language is unrecognized”. This error is coming from FLEx.

EDIT: There are some known problems with Paratext-FLEx integration in 9.0. It might be best to stay with 8.0 for now if you need the Paratext-FLEx integration.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Thanks! Sorry for posting in the wrong place.

I guess I’ll stay in PT8 as I don’t know why PT9 is having trouble recognizing the language.

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