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I am trying to post remarks in a text where corrections must take place. Even though I click that it should be a red marker (not yet achieved) a gray marker is posted. Since I am working long distance with a translator, the gray ones are likely to be viewed as accomplished.

Paratext by (145 points)

3 Answers

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anon200667 - who is seeing the gray? If you assign a note to someone else then that person should see a colored flag (usually red, but could be blue or purple). Everyone to whom the note is not assigned will see it as gray.


by (8.3k points)

Usually when I assign the remark to the NT translator, Abdoulaye, the flag is red, even on my screen. But today it has often been gray, on my screen, although assigned to him. I don’t know what he is seeing.

If the flag was red after you assigned the note to someone else then that is an error. The flag should be gray on your screen if it is assigned to someone else.


When new notes are created, sometimes the default is Unassigned. In this case, all users will see it as red. The same is true for notes assigned to Team. That may be why some people might think of a red flag as being the default color of a new tag. But if you had assigned it to a user other than yourself, then like what anon848905 said, you seeing it as red is possibly a bug in the program. Or, you are working on a computer in which that user is logged in as the registered Paratext user on that machine.

Thank you – this explains it!



Another point to keep in mind is that tags are defined within the project properties and setting per project, not per user. So it’s possible to be working in different projects where different colored flags have been defined for various tags, including the default To Do tag. This happens in my program where one of our teammates is colorblind. They have defined their tags with other colors for the projects that they regularly work closely with. However, the other projects that he does not work so closely within our team have the program’s default colors.

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If you assign a note to someone, the flag will appear grey to you, but red to them. The flag is grey to you because it is not assigned to you anymore.

If you keep it assigned to the Team or unassigned, the note will appear red to everyone, including you.


Shegnada James

by (1.3k points)

Thanks! We didn’t know this!



Right, and that variation between red and gray happens regardless of what color the user may have defined the tag as (i.e. something other than red). It will still alternate between purple and gray or blue and gray, or whatever color was defined for that tag, depending on who the note is assigned to. This is defined in the Project Properties and Settings… Notes tab for each project.

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With remarks, red doesn’t indicate “not yet achieved” and gray “achieved”. Red means that the remark has been assigned to you, or that it is still unassigned. Gray means that it has been assigned to someone else. So if you post a remark and assign it to the translator, he will see it as red and you will see it as gray. If you leave it unassigned, or assign it to the whole team, you will both see it as red.

Once the issue has been dealt with, you or the translator will click “resolve”, and the flag will not change color, it will disappear. You can still see all the resolved remarks if you open the project notes and filter them by “resolved”, but resolved notes will not show a flag or any other kind of tag in the text window.

by (196 points)

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