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I am helping a Translation Consultant who is trying to look at the Interlinearization of a Paratext project.
The project is associated with a FLEx project. When the TC attempts to see the interlinear, she is presented with an message saying she needs the FLEx project. The TC does not have the FLEx project, she doesn’t even have FLEx installed on her computer. Does she need to have the FLEx project in order to see the projects Interlinear?

This question may be related to this support.paratext post How does the Paratext Interlinearizer and Flex parser work together - Questions - Paratext Supporter Site

Paratext by (476 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Unfortunately, until 9.4 is released, she will need FLEx and the FLEx project on her machine to use the interlinearizer. 9.4 should relax that requirement a lot.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Thank you. I’ll let the TC know that she will need to get the FLEx project if she wants to use the Interlinear.

If it is not possible for the consultant to get the Flex project (because of poor Internet bandwidth), he/she can create a project with the same name and writing system as the original Flex project and Paratext will open the interlinearizer. If this is done, then I would recommend that the association with Flex be deactivated before Send and Receive is done with Paratext.

In this particular instance, the TC does not have FLEx, let alone the FLEx Project. I’m also not sure what would happen to the
Interlinear if we were to use an empty FLEx project if the Paratext Interlinear is some how associated with it.

The team opted to do screen captures of the book being consulted. It was one of the shorter books so they were happy to go that route.

0 votes

One option in the short term (until 9.4 is available) is to make a copy of the project and run the interlinearizer on it.

by (8.5k points)

Throw that on the pile with the other things you can’t do while PT and FLEx are linked:

  • Edit Book Targets,
  • change project properties
  • set Biblical terms lists
  • adjust encoding
  • use a FLEx project with a different local name


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