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We’re experiencing a strange issue with permissions in the BENA project that we don’t understand.

The translation advisor has editing rights on 4 books for which we do not want them to have editing rights. If you go to users, roles, and permissions > book permissions, you can see that those books do not have tick but instead a gray/blue color, and mousing over those boxes indicates that edit access to these books was granted automatically via Assignments and Progress.

However, this particular project does not have any Project Plan at all, so there should be no access granted by Assignments and Progress, and there does not appear to be any way to remove their rights to edit these books.

Perhaps this is something that has carried over during migration, but maybe it reflects some other bug, we’re really not sure. I have not yet tried creating a project plan and deleting it, but thought that perhaps this would clear the permissions from those books that are assigned via Assignments and Progress.

Paratext by (1.2k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Well, I can’t determine why, but it looks like the permissions were added by Elizabeth on Jan. 19. It’s possible she was playing around with a project plan and deleted it, but the permissions were not deleted.

The best way to fix this is to open up the ProjectUserAccess.xml file and delete the <AutomaticBooks> section from Elizabeth’s entry.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Thank you, we were able to fix this by editing the ProjectUserAccess.xml.

I think Jan 19 was the week we migrated to Paratext 8, so it was probably related to that.

0 votes

Please note that if a team was using Project Progress in PT7 then this information gets migrated as a Project Plan. If you see the blue Assignments and Progress icon in the upper right corner of a book it indicates that there is a plan of some sort. If there is no blue icon you might also check Project > Assignments and Progress.

by (8.5k points)

This particular project has no blue Assignments and Progress icon, and Project > Assignments and Progress is grayed out since it has no Progress Plan.

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