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I have a user who received a notification saying that ““This project has been automatically assigned a status of 'Active” advising her to go to the registration page and make changes if necessary. This particular project is marked as being a test\training project.

What does “active status” mean and why was a test project automatically changed to active status?

Paratext by (476 points)

2 Answers

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Many users are getting these emails. I believe that they are related to updates being made to the Paratext Registry. Users only would need to go to the registry themselves if the information in the email was inaccurate and needed to be changed. In your example, if the project were actually an active translation and not a training project, then the user should login to the Paratext Registry website and make the necessary changes.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
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Ooops. These messages probably should not have gone to test/training projects. You can set the status of a test/training project to whatever you like and no one else cares.

In the future all projects must have a status (even if it is a “fake” status in a test/training project).

For real projects we had a lot of projects with the status not set at all. So I asked to have it set it to Active and we send an email asking people to correct this if it is wrong.

by (646 points)
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