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In a project in which you have tasks or checks assigned to you, select a book in “Assignments and Progress” before you work on the tasks or checks assigned to you.

Select a book

  1. Open a project in which you have tasks or checks assigned to you.
  2. From the Project menu, select Assignments and Progress.
    By default, the dialog displays "All Tasks" for the book that is active in the project you opened.
  3. From the first drop-down menu, select My Tasks.
  4. From the second drop-down menu, select a book you want to work on.

In the book you selected, if you do not have incomplete tasks or checks that are assigned to you, there will be a message in the dialog that tells you that you do not have any tasks currently assigned to you in the book you selected.

In the book you selected, if you have incomplete tasks or checks that are assigned to you, one of the following will happen:

  • The tasks or checks that are in the earliest incomplete stage will display in the dialog and the "Assigned to" column will show the range of chapters assigned.
  • A message will tell you that tasks assigned to you in the book are waiting for tasks to be completed.

If there are incomplete tasks or checks that are assigned to you in other books, click a link at the lower edge of the dialog to display incomplete tasks or checks that are assigned to you in another book.

  • The link is at the lower left if the incomplete tasks or checks assigned to you are in an earlier book.
  • The link is at the lower right if the incomplete tasks or checks assigned to you are in a later book.
  • There are links at both the lower left and the lower right if there are incomplete tasks or checks assigned to you in an earlier AND a later book.

:checkicon: In the book you selected, if there are incomplete tasks or checks assigned to “(Team)”, they will appear in the list of “My Tasks” and you can work on them as if they are assigned to you.

Work on tasks assigned to you

Where there is only a check box in the Status column for a task assigned to you:

  • Click the check box when you have completed the task.
    This will place a tick mark in the checkbox.

Where there is a check box, a progress bar, a minus sign, and a plus sign in the Status column for a task assigned to you, do one of the following in the Status column to mark progress:

  • Click the check box when you have completed the task.
  • Click the words in the progress bar and, in the dialog that appears, approve individual chapters, remove the approval from individual chapters, approve all chapters, remove the approval status from all chapters, add a chapter to the end of the range of approved chapters, or remove a chapter from the end of the range of approved chapters.
  • Click the minus icon to remove one chapter from the end of the range of completed chapters.
  • Click the plus icon to add one chapter to the end of the range of completed chapters.

    The check box has a checkmark in it when the book has been completed for the task.
    Words in the progress bar show which chapters have been completed.

Work on checks assigned to you

  • Checks that are assigned to you follow the tasks that are assigned to you.
  • A check is incomplete if it has at least one issue.
  • To complete a check that is incomplete, click the link in the Status column, and fix the issues.
    When you click the link for a "Basic Check", the List window opens and lists the verses where the issues occur. To see what happens when you click the link for others checks, see [What checks can I include in a stage of project progress?](http://support.paratext.org/t/what-checks-can-i-include-in-a-stage-of-project-progress/1217)
  • When a check is complete, "No issues" appears in the Status column.
  • Issues listed for a check are only for the book selected in the second drop-down menu.
  • If you are assigned to resolve a certain type of Project Note, all unresolved Project Notes of that type will appear as issues – even if the note is assigned to another user.
Paratext by [Expert]
(734 points)


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Acts 12:5
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