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Does anybody have any experience with Paratext 8 on multiple Windows user accounts on the same Windows 10 machine? Are there any problems and things you need to be aware of with that kind of setup?

Paratext by (346 points)

2 Answers

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Two help topics address that question:

  1. How do I set up a computer to have multiple users?
  2. How do I edit a project on a computer with multiple users?

Please comment here if they are incorrect or unclear.

by [Expert]
(733 points)

These help topics need to be updated for Windows 10.

0 votes

Also: PT8 single work machine-several separate users

Note that it works best with PT 7.6 or later. It can be done with earlier versions, but it requires more manual steps than in 7.6.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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