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Two of our translators are reporting PT 7.5 freezing on their computers. They are both Windows 8.1 and PT is up-to-date.

The cursor in PT continuously switches between the regular input-line and the busy-circle. I just saw it happen myself and Windows Task Manager reported that the Memory usages was about 400mb (a little higher than usual) and that the CPU usage was constantly over 25%. The only way to solve the issue was to kill the program and restart it.

Does anyone know what causes this? Is there any way to check debug logs or other reports to see what PT was doing that made this happen?

Thank you,

Paratext by (1.8k points)

1 Answer

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If it happens again, and after you restart Paratext, please use Help > Report a Problem. This will automatically send a log file which might help. What might help the most is describing what you were doing right before it happened in as much detail as you can. Including the projects you had open and which view you were in.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

In previous versions of Paratext, things could go quite slowly if you were not in the view by chapter mode. This was especially true if you had complete Bible resource loaded as well.and it was also more of a problem in Lower RAM computers. I haven’t heard complaints of this lately and since I stay in view by chapter mode I can’t say whether the problem has gone away. It might be worth checking out.Blessings, Shegnada

Language Technology & Publishing Coordinator
Wycliffe Nigeria Group
Skype: Shegnada..
+[Phone Removed]

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