0 votes
I've just set up a new computer with both PT and Flex. The data folders for both have the same paths as on the previous computer. However, when I look at the Assoications tab in Project properties on the new computer there is a red ! icon indicating that the language identifier in Paratext is not the same as the language identifier in the lexical project. How can this be when it was correct on the old computer? And how can I solve the problem? (That is to say I need PT on the new computer to recognise that the associated Flex project does have the correct language code. It is also the same code as shown on the General tab of the Project properties.)
Paratext by (213 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
If the code really is the same, maybe something happened in copying the files.
Try unassociating the FLex project from Paratext project settings, then associate it again.
by [Expert]
(3.1k points)
Thanks but I already did that. It doesn't help.
0 votes
The problem has resolved itself. After a PT update this morning the Flex association is recognised. A gremlin must have crept in somewhere.
by (213 points)
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