+1 vote

Sometimes people want to be able to filter notes for both unread and unresolved notes at the same time. Currently in Paratext 9.1 this is not possible in the interface. However, it is possible to manually edit a filter to produce this result. Here is a quick video describing the process:
How to create a notes filter for Unread and Unresolved notes

Paratext by (8.4k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Third try :frowning:
(Creating a notes filter for Unread and Unresolved notes)

by (8.4k points)

Thank you so much!

Thank you, this is helpful! I hadn’t even thought that there could be a solution for this issue.

(In a couple of projects, I went through all unread resolved notes to mark them as read, just because of this issue.)


Same here! It’s a good time-waste when you need one, but I like the solution above much better. Thanks @anon848905.

Good work, anon848905.
Any way to get a custom filter of notes which are either unread OR unresolved?

In the filter for Biblical terms you can do “OR” with the following:

<FilterSettings name="categories" value="BE,FL" />

Placing both category names in the value="" separated by a comma makes the OR.

However, this doesn’t seem to work in the Notes. I’m not sure that it makes sense to look for notes that are both Unread or Unresolved. I can see where you might want to filter for Resolved and Unread so that you could see what was resolved that you haven’t read.

I set it up and it’s working great. I’ve often thought this would be useful!

anon848905 and I discussed this further offline. It turns out you can have an “OR” for actions by users, or for tags and this can be specified in Paratext, you don’t need to edit the .fil file.

If you select an action and activate the list of users, you can Ctrl-click one user then Ctrl-click another user and they both are selected. You can also ctrl-click more than one tag in the middle column. You cannot ctrl click in the left column, among “unread”, “read”, “resolved” or “unresolved”.

  • List item

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