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Paratext help says, “In the Search box on the toolbar, you can enter the text you want to find or the regular expression you want to match.”

I need to be able to find all project notes that do not contain the word “gloss.” What regular expression would I use to achieve this using the text filter window in the notes list? Thanks for any help you can give me on this.

Paratext by (296 points)

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I’ve searched this and found several suggestions of a regex to do this. None of them seem to work for the notes list.

I did find one that works in the main Paratext search. This will show me all the verses that do not include David (tested on Matthew 1).

This does not include any notes when I entered four notes in my test project, one with “David” mentioned and three that do not. I’ve reported this to the developers.

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)
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Acts 12:5
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