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Heather Saunders just got a new laptop and did a fresh install of Paratext 9.2. Now that she has done that, the KBT unregistered project no longer appears her list of projects when she opens the Send/Receive projects dialog. She is an Administrator of this project,
Help if you can. Thanks

Paratext by (133 points)

2 Answers

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I looked at the project settings and at some point the KBT project was changed to be the back translation of a resource project - I don’t think this is allowed anymore.

My guess is that the current settings are causing it to be skipped when the user doesn’t have the project and I think if the KBT project is changed back to be based on the correct project that the project permission will be corrected.

Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)


Thanks for replying.
The project should be based on Kwangwa. If we make that change, will it conflict with any registered Paratext project? KBT is the back translation of Kwangwa (siKwangwa full name).

We don’t want to make anything worse.

Thanks anon392948

Back translations get their registration status from the base project, so changing the base project of a back translation won’t affect any other project.


Thanks for your help. It has solved the problem for Heather Saunders registration. However, now the Kwangwa One registration no longer sees KBT in its list of projects in the Send/Receive dialog. Kwangwa One is still using Paratext 8. Geoffrey Namakando does have access. He is on Paratext 8. The only difference I see is that Geoffrey has edit permission on Heb and Kwangwa One currently has none.
Myself, I still have access. I have upgraded to 9.2.

Have you any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


@anon392948, if Kwangwa One doesn’t have any new changes in the KBT project on their machine, they could delete it (delete it from their machine only) and try to receive it again via Send/Receive.

I see Kwangwa One listed on the project on the server, so I’m not sure what would be preventing them from seeing the project.

Have them send a problem report after trying to do send/receive - that will provide a log so we can see what is happening.


Hello james_post,
Just to let you know that the problem is resolved. Deleting the local copy and redoing S/R brought the KBT project to the Kwangwa One machine.
Please close the ticket.

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If the project is unregistered then it will not show up under S/R to the Internet. It should show up if she does S/R to a USB, Chorus Hub or Network drive.

by (8.3k points)
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