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We like our consultant to see the images we’re using, so we put them right in the Back Translation. The interlinear function inserts the \fig code right into the BT text, but the image doesn’t show up without copying the figures folder from the parent project to the daughter project. To save bandwidth, it would be nice to have an option to have the BT project (or other daughter projects) look in the parent project image folders for the images. Perhaps there’s already such an option?

Paratext by (288 points)

1 Answer

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There isn’t currently a way to do that, sorry.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

[I removed my comment, because it *might* cause a problem.]

It might cause a problem with Mercurial and/or Send/Receive. From my research, Mercurial does not handle symlinks. If that means they are ignored, then it should be okay. Otherwise, it probably means something bad. :wink:

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