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In a right-to-left project, if I type a verse range in a footnote, e.g. “1-2”,
Paratext inserts an invisible RTL marker (U+200F) between the ‘1’ and
the ‘-’. As a result, in Run Basic Checks, the Numbers check reports
"Invalid Number 1-2" even though ‘-’ is in both Initial Punctuation and
Medial Punctuation in the Number Settings dialog. What is the right way
to make the Numbers check pass? (I’m using 7.6 for Linux.)

Paratext by (180 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

It seems to work fine for my simple test (on Windows, though). Could you post the USFM causing the issue and maybe a screenshot of the Number Settings dialog?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Thank you for following up.

I have tried to reduce this to the simplest possible case:

  • open a right-to-left project
  • in Unformatted view, copy-paste this into Paratext: \v 8 س \f + س \f*س
  • it should look like this:
  • place your cursor here:
  • type: 1-2
  • save
  • confirm that the minus character is listed in both Initial and Medial in Numbers Settings:
  • select Run Basic Checks > Numbers
  • my result:
  • note that if you place the cursor on the right side of the ‘1’ and press the left arrow key three times, the cursor only appears to move two charcters
  • the on-disk .SFM file has a right-to-left mark (U+200F) between the ‘1’ and the ‘-’

Well, it looks like my simple test put the number inside a \ft which is ignored by the Numbers check (which is why it worked for me). This looks like a glaring omission in the check - it doesn’t handle RTL text correctly. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a workaround, but I’ll write this up. It should be fixed in the next update to Paratext 7.6. :flushed:

0 votes

Beautiful. Thank you. Your work is very much appreciated.

by (180 points)

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