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I have (cross reference) notes with more than one “origin reference” \xo, one referring to one verse, another referring to a range of verses. Here is an example:

\x * \xo 7.16‑17 \xt Mt 12.33, 35 \xo 7.16 \xq ἀπὸ … αὐτούς \xt Sir 27.6 \xq μήτι … σῦκα \xt Jas 3.12\x*

With basic checks I now get the following error:

MAT 7:16 Missing or invalid punctuation before \xo: Mt 12.33, 35

Is there a place in the Scripture reference settings to get rid of these errors?

The USFM documentation does not mention more than one \xo (allowing or forbidding). Splitting the references up into two notes would be possible, but I find it not very elegant to have two reference notes directly one after another.

Paratext by (839 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

For multiple \xo markers to appear in a single cross reference, they must be separated by a major reference divider (i.e. either a Book Sequence separator or Chapter Sequence separator), or by Final Punctuation if Final punctuation must end each \xt section in all cross references is checked in the Scripture Reference Settings.

So the following should work (note the semicolon before the second \xo):

\x * \xo 7.16‑17 \xt Mt 12.33, 35; \xo 7.16 \xq ἀπὸ … αὐτούς \xt Sir 27.6 \xq μήτι … σῦκα \xt Jas 3.1`2\x*

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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