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In our project, we have, I believe, three active projects* that are all for the national language. Clearly, they are all written in the same language, and therefore the spelling, morphology, punctuation, etc. are the same. All of these have been set up in some detail in the main project.

With my publication project in particular, I want to get the same spellchecking results and the same results when I run the Basic Checks as I would do if I ran them on the main project. I have shared this project with the person in my area responsible for submitting texts to the DBL, but he has come back to me because my project does not pass the Basic Checks.

The main project and publishing project are already set to the same language (Tajik_1998 – Tajik as defined by the spelling reforms of the year 1998). To try to achieve my goal, I exited PT and copied the following files from the main project to the publishing project:

  • DenialsTajU.xml
  • ldml.xml
  • SpellingStatus.xml
  • WordAnalyses.xml

However, Run Basic Checks still flags errors despite the fact that the books that are shared between the two projects test clean if the Checks are run on the main project. I haven’t checked them all, but a lot of Missing capital after sentence final punctuation checks fail for sure.

My questions:

  1. What other files or XML data should I copy from the main project so that these Checks pass?
  2. Could someone post a list here of which files contain which data related to spelling, checking data, interlinearisation data, etc.?

This would all be much easier if PT had a feature to share language data between two projects, and I will submit a Feature Request for this – it’s my absolute top feature request! Also see here [link will be inserted soon].


* There’s:

  • The main project;
  • A revision project to revise the four Gospels (which were the first books published, in 2010);
  • A publishing project – if you’re asking why this has its own project, then see Separate project for publishing?
Paratext by (1.4k points)

1 Answer

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I’m assuming this is all in PT7 and not PT8.
I’m not sure how you created the publication project, but I would suggest you either create it using Backup/Restore, or by using Convert Project (if you want the history intact). This will ensure that all the data is copied.
Although it’s generally not recommended, I would suggest you get the two projects in-sync by also doing a Backup/Restore (restoring the project over top of the publication project). Just make sure you pay attention to what files you overwrite when doing the restore. In particular, the inventory-related information you want is stored in the project settings file (.SSF).

Language data was shared in PT7. However, this turned out to be a nightmare and thus it is no longer shared in PT8.

I think what you are really wanting is sharing the checking and inventory data between multiple projects.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

I have come up against this one again: I’m now working with a different language, but it uses the same rules as the language I was working with before for a number of checks, e.g.:

  • punctuation;
  • markers missing sentence-final punctuation;
  • markers followed by a lower-case letter;
  • punctuation followed by a lower-case letter.

In the sentence I’ve quoted from your post, it seems that you intended to continue, maybe in a follow-up post, and say how checking and inventory data could be shared. If there is a way, could you enlighten us? Thanks!

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