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I hope that title was descriptive enough. Our project has a few keywords that contain USFM markers for example \w \+nd God\+nd*\+nd2 yhwh\+nd2*\w* or \w \+qs Selah\+qs*\w*. When we run basic checks, we get 100+ errors saying that it can’t find the glossary entry for these words. The GLO entries are marked up as \k \+nd God\+nd*\+nd2 yhwh\+nd2*: and \k Selah:\k*. (the : is used in all our GLO entries and doesn’t cause trouble that I can tell). SAB builds and correctly links them to their corresponding GLO entries.

Any idea how to either get the Basic Checks Tool to leave them along (aside from manually telling it to ignore each place where they occur) or how to change the markup so that it can find them in the GLO?


Paratext by (155 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

I think your problem is that you need to match \k or \w rather than using both. If you use \k in the scripture text instead of w, then paratext will not look for words in the glossary to match and link to. If you use \w in the glossary as well as in the scripture
text then Paratext will maybe succeed in linking them together. We don’t use \w but always \k because the linking was tricky in previous versions of paratext.

Blessings Shegnada

by (1.3k points)

I’ve seen the same issue as anon469793, with \w +nd, and also the same errors with a zero-width-space occurs inside \w.

If I understand Shegnada correctly, she’s saying that \k is not checked to see if it occurs in the glossary, and thus no errors will be produced (but you’d never know that a word marked with \k in the text is not listed in the glossary.

0 votes

We are using \k HERR\k* in GLO and \w \+nd Herrn\+nd*|HERR\w* in biblical text. If you are typesetting the glossary, you need may to change this one keyword manually to the character style “nd”.

From the Paratext help:

If a rendering in the text differs from the citation form for the term in the glossary, Paratext adds the citation form after the rendering (within the \w…\w* markers, separated by a vertical bar, for example “…spices for the \w anointing|anoint\w* oil…”).

by (840 points)

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Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:46-47
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