0 votes

Does anyone know how I can find anywhere in my PT project where there are two quotes within the same paragraph? I can find them if they are in the same verse within the paragraph by using RegexPal:
But if there is a verse number between them, even though they are in the same paragraph, they don’t show up. What expression do I need to find them?

E.g. I want it to find Acts 10:17-18
\p While Peter was still trying to understand it, those 3 men from Cornelius walked into that town. They asked people, “Where does Simon live, the leather worker man? And the people told them how to get there. Then they went to that house and stood outside the gate, \v 18 and they asked, **“**Is Peter here?”

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Paratext by (213 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

After thinking about it I realized you can just use the text selector between quotes like this:
I added the ?i so that it correctly selects text in introductory paragraphs.

by (1.8k points)

Perfect, thank you!!

0 votes

Indirect answer: It may be better in the long run to use Basic Checks > Quotations (cf. How do I check quotation marks?) and Quotation Rules (Guide: Checking > Quotation Rules)

Direct answer: use (?s)".*?"

by (840 points)
0 votes

This is a context that will find prose paragraphs


To find quotes in the paragraph just add what ever code you want to find the quoted passages. However I avoid using . to find any character because it is not efficient and will stop at line breaks unless you add (?s). I prefer to find any character except the one I am looking for like this: ”([^“]*?)“

So this is the full code:


The context is somewhat complicated and could be simplified depending on your markup.
It starts with \\p\w*\s , which selects \p \pm \pmo \pi1 \pc etc. It continues until it finds a tag that marks the end of a paragraph or the end of the chapter \\([dlmpqs]\w*|b)\s|\Z , which here includes all the tags that begin with \d \l \m \p \q and \s and the tag \b (but not \bd). The text selector is ([^\\]|\\(?!([dlmpqs]\w*|b)\s))*? which means any character that is not \ or any \ that is not followed by one of the tags that mark the end of a paragraph.

by (1.8k points)
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