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One of my projects is facing a problem. The admin assigned a task for a translator in one of the books of the project. Later on she realized that she should not have done that. She gave the task for a wrong person. A thing than can happen. BUT then started a problem. The task gave permission to the translator to edit the text. After undoing the assignment, everything looked fine, except that few days ago PT tells that the translator who should not have editing rights seems to have them after all. Or at least that is how the admin sees the case, since when you look at the Book permissions in Roles and permissions the table says that three people have editing rights to this book. Two of them have normal ticks on the boxes, but in case of the translator who should not have any rights the box is grayed. What is puzzling is that according to the left hand side column of the table, the translator has rights in zero books.

These are the questions: a) how should we interpret the surprising conflict in the table (a translator have rights and zero rights at the same time) and b) how to we remove the gray from the box where it should not be?

Paratext by (250 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Continuation: indeed, after the assigning and undoing the assignment the translator still can edit the text. Thus, how do we cancel the rights?

by (250 points)

The issue of these editing rights is always confusing. Here are some general comments:

  • If someone has been assigned a book under User Settings then that book/chapter will be permanently assigned (until it is unassigned) and will be shown with a check mark.
  • If someone is assigned a “task” under assignments and progress, AND it is possible to do that task (ie it is not blocked) then they will have editing rights until that task has been completed. Those editing rights show up as grey shading.
  • If someone has been assigned a check, then those editing rights exist any time one of those errors exists in the text.
  • Sometimes a task is assigned in a later stage (may not be visible) that can be started at any time. This means that that person would have editing rights until that task is completed.

So, it is important to review all of the tasks and checks assigned to a particular person for the book in question. More than likely, somewhere there is something assigned that is still giving them rights to edit.

0 votes

@anon848905 This is a really helpful list! Is it included in the Help somewhere?

by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)

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