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There is a good help page about assigning tasks and checks to members of a team at
[Link Removed]
But this seems very slow for the situation where a lot of work has been done outside Pt and there is only one translator who can read the language and assess the results of checks. (I have just imported nearly a whole NT from an ODT file to Pt8 using macros in SILAS, and only one user in the project can read and write the language, the person who prepared the ODT file.)
This person’s name has to be selected for each task and check in each book. That’s a lot of clicking!
In the assignment dialog, there is a drop-down list for current book and for each book in the project.
I think it would be very helpful if there could be another item in this list, “all books”.
Some other useful categories would be Torah, OT historical, OT Wisdom, OT prophets, Gospels, Epistles.
Thanks for thinking about this idea. anon981039

Paratext by (118 points)

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Paratext allows that tasks be marked completed by stage or book not just by individual tasks. Doing so is recommended for marking progress on older projects after they have been migrated. Below is a news article that was sent out last month to Paratext 8 users concerning this topic.

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