I too face the similar Note caller issue while doing the Run Basic Check. The error shows is: “Note caller is not expected value (-)”. As usual, I wanted to change the Cross reference caller with “Automatically-generated caller” i.e \x + \xo… instead of the default \x - \xo… When I change the \x - \xo to \x + \xo, I get the above error during Run Basic check.
This issue is only in one of the projects SSI-Sansi. Where as in all the other projects whether I change \x + or \x - doesn’t gives any error. In the Sansi project changing the default footnote caller (\f + \fr…) to (\f - \fr) also gives error, where as in the other projects there is no error whether changing (\f + \fr) to (\f - \fr) or vice versa.
Any idea why Paratext is showing this error only in Sansi project?
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