0 votes

When I change the footnote callers to automatically-created callers, I get errors in the basic checks. I’m sure there is just a setting I’m missing somewhere, but I can’t seem to find where!

Paratext by (127 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

This often occurs when other footnotes are using the -. This can occur if a project has been done over time. If you want all of the footnotes to have automatic callers then you can search for \f - and replace with \f +. Note that you must have editing rights to the books that have \f -.

by (8.5k points)

Thank you, anon848905. That fixed it. :blush:

While we’re at it, how would I delete all lines with subtitles (not just the \s…, but the entire line)?


You can delete the entire \s line by using a regular expression. Here is one that should work assuming that you don’t have any footnotes in the section heads.

Search for:
regex:\\s\d? [^\\]*

Replace with nothing.
This says: search for an \s with an optional number (\s1 or \s2) followed by anything not a backslash.
You should test this to verify that the search is finding the entire section head.

Hi anon848905,

That… did not work. I copied and pasted in RegEx Pal, put nothing in the replace field, but it didn’t find any of the \s markers.

There is no text after any of the markers. I just need to delete the markers and the lines.

Any other thoughts? I hope we’ll get some RegEx training someday!



An expression as shown here ought to delete the entire line.

\s\d? [^\r]+\r\n



That does indeed delete lines, but it deletes all lines, one by one, including verses.

0 votes

Note that this later topic moved to this thread:

by (1.4k points)
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