0 votes

Cross reference caller by default uses (-) but in this particular project, all the callers which use the (-) symbol are detected as error after running Markers check while all the callers which use (+) symbols are considered correct. We did not put/specify any special character in the Cross reference caller sequence text box or Footnote caller sequence text in the Language setting dialogue box. We want to make the Cross reference caller hidden. Not sure why is this happening.

Need help.

Paratext by (211 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

I too face the similar Note caller issue while doing the Run Basic Check. The error shows is: “Note caller is not expected value (-)”. As usual, I wanted to change the Cross reference caller with “Automatically-generated caller” i.e \x + \xo… instead of the default \x - \xo… When I change the \x - \xo to \x + \xo, I get the above error during Run Basic check.

This issue is only in one of the projects SSI-Sansi. Where as in all the other projects whether I change \x + or \x - doesn’t gives any error. In the Sansi project changing the default footnote caller (\f + \fr…) to (\f - \fr) also gives error, where as in the other projects there is no error whether changing (\f + \fr) to (\f - \fr) or vice versa.

Any idea why Paratext is showing this error only in Sansi project?

by (327 points)

I would suggest doing a search of all the books for \x - to see how many of these occur. Once Paratext is taught that the correct format is \x - it may require changing every occurrence to get to work correctly.

+2 votes

This could have happened if at the beginning of the project someone used + or if data was imported with the + for the caller. If you want all cross references to use the - sign then you can search for \x + and replace with \x -

by (8.5k points)
0 votes

Thanks anon848905, it worked…
Earlier also I tried to replace \x- to \x+ in the Sansi Project (I guess I only replaced in LUK) and it gave the same error.
But now I replaced \x- to \x+ in the whole Sansi Project and it worked like a miracle…

Thank you so much for your help


by (327 points)

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