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A user has in Reference Settings:

 List of Chapters:   ;    Mt 1:2; 3:4

But in some cross references the book name has been entered twice, as in

\xt Mt 1:2; Mt 3:4\x*

Currently (PT this is not flagged as an error, but the consultant feels it should be, because the book name should not be repeated. Is there any consensus as to whether this should be an error or not? Do some projects repeat the book name for multiple references like this? (If not, I may put in a feature request to have it flagged as an error).


Paratext by (304 points)

1 Answer

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As a tyoesetter, I would accept this because how a team uses cross reference can differ. They need to use them consistently within their publication but there could be a quite legitimate reason for the team to want these references to be discrete, depending
upon why the passages are being referenced. I suspect you will find that they are actually following a resource text.

I would not want to make the normal check so tight as to disallow this normally, but you could do a regular expression to catch them if for this publication you do not want them.

Blessings Shegnada

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by (1.3k points)

The key is consistency. Whatever the team decided, they should then use that style all through. But it does take more space to keep repeating book references.

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