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Send/Receive to USB is grayed out, despite having an SD card mounted in an internal “SD card reader.” I know this worked in Win7, but since moving to Linux it doesn’t. Using PT for Linux. Help appreciated!

Paratext by (611 points)

1 Answer

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Locating UBS devices works differently on Linux compared to windows. It’s likely that when Paratext queries the system for USB devices, it doesn’t regard the sd card as a USB device.

Insead of S/Ring to the SD card via the USB drive option, you can use the Network shared folder option instead.
Click “Browse…” and navigate to the S/R folder on your SD card. (it’s possibly mounted under /media)

by [Moderator]
(2.2k points)

Thanks. That worked. Might be worth adding a line to the Help files with that info?

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