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Is there a way to filter the bottom pane of the Biblical Terms tool so that only un-matched terms show up? Or so that un-matched are on the top and matched are on the bottom?

In the following picture, I’d like to focus on the 200-300 verses that aren’t yet matched without wading through the 1900+ verses that are good (and this is just one example of something that occurs frequently).

Paratext by (1.7k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

You can use the filter feature to create a new filter that shows unmatched names.

by (8.1k points)

Thanks. It is sort of blindingly obvious now that I see it. For some reason I had in my mind that that dropdown menu was for setting the book (though the book filter is clearly right next to it).

And you can find the filter feature anon848905 is talking about on the leftmost dropdown:

Yes, after he mentioned it I went back and found it.

After replying to him I realized that another reason I had missed it is because I had previously filtered to just show the names, and had forgotten that you can use the filtering tool to narrow down multiple categories.

Thanks to both of you for the help.

Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff going on in that dialog, it’s easy to miss something.


0 votes

Regarding the “New Filter” option, it is also very useful to save the filter with a name (upper left corner) so that it will show up in the list of saved filters in the future.
For names I often create one filter called “Names - All” and another called “Names - Missing” so that I can quickly flip between the two filters without having to create a new filter each time.

by (8.1k points)
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