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We started interlinearizer and ran into a problem. In the source text, the words I and i have different meanings. The first is always capitalized, the second is only capitalized at the beginning of a sentence. The two corresponding words in the new project is dere and i. However, they are not capitalized except when sentence initial. The Interlinearizer cannot distinguish because it does not recognize the semantic difference between the capital I with one meaning and the small i with a completely different meaning.
Is there any way of overcoming this problem?
At the moment we need to choose between the two target words every time, and when we choose dere, the output is Dere, because it comes from the capital I. So then we need to change all Dere to dere except those in initial position. Since the two words are extremely common, this is a bother and seriously detracts from the usefulness of the Interlinearizer.

Paratext by (869 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Not currently. The interlinear is not designed to attach meaning to capitalized letter differences.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Thank you. This is what I expected, but wanted to ask anyway.

0 votes

We have a similar issue in Turkic languages.
There is a difference in meaning in i and ı. I with a dot and I without a dot.
When it is in the beginning of a sentence it doesn’t work at all.

Just for you to note.

by (129 points)

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