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The /ip marker is used in book introductions in the Good News Version. In Deuteronomy, the /ip marker is registering an error when the team quotes part of Deu 6:4-6 as they do in the Good News Introduction. The problem I believe is that there is a /nd marker marking a divine name for God within the quote. I say this because when we delete the /nd marker then the error goes away. But we want to keep that marker in the text. What can be done?

Paratext by (118 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

See if nesting markers will help (look it up in the Paratext Help menu.)


Shegnada James

by (1.3k points)

Dear Shegnada,

That is a good suggestion. I did what the help suggested. Unfortunately it did not help resolve the error messages.

DEU 1:0 Opening quote found without matching closing: ||"||

DEU 1:0 Quote opened - see following message for error: ||"||

Here is what my paragraph looks like

\ip Kugbɔŋ nmɔn a bɔjali be kinkarin ban 6:4-6, le ki jɔɔ imɔbon yan wee Yisa nan yin i ke, nsiim man jon nsiim biɛn:
“Li jiɛ
\nd Uyudaan\nd* a Wonbɔru nin a sufu biɛn, nin a tinaaŋ biɛn, nin a pɔɔm biɛn na.”

The errors are precisely on the quote marks I have highlighted. If I delete the /nd and /nd* then the errors disappear.


I think you need \+nd and \+nd* for nesting to work.

This seems like a bug to me. \nd … \nd* should not break the quote check. You should report it via Paratext Help/Report a problem. Meanwhile you can deny the errors since you know they are spurious. They shouldn’t impact your output.


Shegnada James

Language Technology and Publishing Coordinator, SIL Nigeria

Text Processing Specialist – Complex Script, GPS, SIL Intl

Skype: Shegnada.james.

[Email Removed]

+1 972 974 8146

I reported this bug in Feb 2018 PTX-16365. The only solution for now is to deny the errors

0 votes

The bug should be fixed in 9.0.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


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