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\pn and \nd markers in headings result in text that has not all the other character attributes of the rest of the text. E.g. the text in \pn …\pn* will be in italics, but not bold like the rest of the heading with PrintDraft and with Publishing Assistant. (Pathways makes a total mess of fonts and styles, though at least the font sizes are the same as the surrounding text.)

In footnotes the notation +pn …+pn* can be used, but in headings this results in Paratext showing these markers in red, i.e. as errors.

How are such markers to be used in headings?

Paratext by (153 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Please use Help > Report a problem to report this to us. It sounds like a bug. No promises on when it might be fixed, though.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

I had the same problem with \tl ... \tl* in headings: they showed up in italics, but without bold. I solved this in typesetting by putting an extra line in finalchanges.txt to apply a special character style:

in "<ParaStyle:s>.*?\r\n": "<CharStyle:tl" > "<CharStyle:tls"

However, this does not solve the view in PT itself. Also, it also requires extra care when various headings (\s2 \ms) are used.

by (499 points)
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