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I’m having trouble using \w … \w* markers when the word in the text is a different form of the word than is in the glossary.

I found in the online USFM documentation that I should be using a pipe (by the way, is there a pdf version of the USFM 3.0 documentation?).

When I type something like \w ہِرودِ|ہِرود\w* (note the small vowel point under the last letter) it solves my “Citation Form (“ہِرودِ”) is missing from the glossary: \w” errors, but both words are still showing in the text. No matter which of the views I go to (Preview, Basic, Formatted, Unformatted, or Standard) both words show.

In Preview view, which would typically remove the \w markers and replace them with a * before the word, the markers are gone but the * is not present.

Basic view is the only place where the glossary version (the second of the two words) is grayed out.

Paratext by (1.8k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Which version of Paratext are you using? What stylesheet is the project using?

I tried it in version and it seems to work fine in a test project (Standard view):

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

I’m using

In looking at stylesheets, I noticed my usfm.sty is version 2.503. Has usfm.sty version 3.0 not been incorporated into PT yet?

There was a fairly innocuous line in custom.sty pertaining to \w, but I removed it to no effect.

I’m not seeing that grayed out look in Standard view.

No, the USFM 3.0 specification was only finalized a couple months ago so it has not been incorporated into any released version of Paratext, yet. Support for USFM 3.0 will be in 8.1 when it releases later this year.

However, having a pipe separating the parts of \w was in before USFM 3.0 so the version of the stylesheet you have should be fine. Could you tell me the name of the project with the problem (if it’s not sensitive)?

I’ve sent an email.

+1 vote

In case someone else has a similar issue, it turns out it was caused by the spell checking. If the word following the pipe (’|’) was marked as incorrectly spelled (or unknown), that caused the word to not show up in its typical gray color.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
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