0 votes

What software did you use to add the red rectangle that you used to highlight the backlink icon?

IrfanView and XnView are great for cropping screenshots and doing other manipulations, but they don’t allow you to add simple annotations. But Photoshop or The GIMP are overkill for just adding coloured boxes and circles and arrows.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

7 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

I use Paint.NET for my image editing. It’s by-far my favorite image editor:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


+1 for Paint.NET. Free, powerful, simple…

Is Paint.NET available free? On the MS Store, it’s £4.19.

0 votes

Irfanview: Edit > Show Paint dialog (F12 )

by (117 points)

You might need to download the plugins:


0 votes

A good open source tool for taking screenshots and annotating them is Greenshot. It has many built-in tools but also provides bridges to other graphics editing software.

by (848 points)
0 votes

You can get from CNET.com

by (8.5k points)
0 votes

https://www.getpaint.net/ is the official site. It is free. The MS Store version is used as a way to “donate” to the free version (seems strange to me :neutral_face:).

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


I can’t find a downlaod-for-free link on CNET.com. E.g. https://download.cnet.com/paint-net-for-Windows-10/3000-12511_4-77816824.html says:

https://www.getpaint.net/ , on the other hand does have a free download link, which I missed the first time I went there.

This link is useless: you either get into an endless loop, or arrive at the non-free version on the Windows Store.

@anon848905’s link, on the other hand, works great.

Note that the version numbers of Paint.NET are confusing. This is how it reports the version number of the instance I installed from the Windows Store:


Can “4.0.21” be the same as “4.21”?

Another question (though we’re getting further and further from Paratext :wink:): the image in my last post was a screenshot that I had to crop. The original screenshot looks like this:


Windows 10 seems to include the shadow when you copy with Alt+PrtScr, which I’m sure is NOT what most users want! Is there a way to fix that?

"WIndows 10 seems to include the shadow with ALT+PrtScr. "
This is what is nice about Greenshot, you press PrtScr and then select the part of your screen you want to copy. Adding arrows or highlights is easy too, there is a built in image editor or you can easily export to another program.

Windows 10 fakes thin borders by including the “shadow” as part of the window border. This allows you to still be able to easily resize windows without having to find the 1-pixel wide border. This is also why Paratext will “snap” to screen edges in Windows 10, but will look like it’s about 5 pixels off.

Makes me wonder whether Microsoft couldn’t have found a better way. The “off” distance with snap to screen edge looks really naff (as we say in the UK).

0 votes

There is another Paint.net link on CNET. Try:

It also says that it works with Windows 10. I’m guessing it is the difference between the Windows program and an App.

by (8.5k points)
0 votes

BTW, this conversation was split from Replies don’t always link back to their source.

@anon291708, I take it that splitting a conversation doesn’t automatically generate a link – in the split part – back to the first part, right? But a link would be useful, to give context to the part of the conversation that has been split off.

by (1.4k points)

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