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I was mid-way through creating a project plan for a test project, and I created a BT so that I could enable editing for the BT.

The BT does not show up in the editing field in Project Plan window.

Is the BT supposed to show up?

Paratext by (1.2k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

I think it used to be possible to require editing of a BT in early Paratext 8.0 alpha versions (but it never did anything). When we were going to implement it, we came across many complications with managing the permissions for a project from another project (projects having different users, users with different roles, etc.), so the feature was removed.
We have a task to add it back in, but it hasn’t risen high enough in our priorities to be worked on, yet.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

It would be more convenient if the back translation was more integrated into the project plan, but the SIL Base plan has several tasks related to the Back translation. In what way do these not meet your needs? If I understood what you needed better, I could make other suggestions.

It is true that the person assigned to work on the back translation, must know the name of the back translation project and open it for themselves, but back translations can be in project plans. There is even an automated check that can be enabled to prompt the team that the vernacular project has changed and they should verify that the back translation is still correct.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

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