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Our team would like to add cross references which refer to the same book without stating the book name.

E.g. inside the book of Matthew, to have a footnote saying something like "for more information on this topic also see \xt 2:34\xt* "

I can’t get this to work and still pass the reference checks. Of course we could simply leave those as unmarked (no \xt marker), but then we would lose the ability to quickly check if the reference is the correct one, and we would lose the ability to hot-link the references in future digital publications.

Is there any way to set up the Scripture Reference Settings so that a reference with no book name means “the current book”?

Paratext by (1.8k points)

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It should work to just have the chapter and verse referring to the current book. I just tried it in a test project and it works fine for me.
What is the error message you are getting?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

anon848905, thanks for the hack which looks like it might fit our purposes to some extent, though they obviously wouldn’t let us click the link and check the attached passage.

anon291708, in your test project did you just have a reference like \xt 2:34\xt*? I know you can type out the book name if it’s self-referential, but we’re trying to have xrefs that don’t include a book name at all.

Yes, I tried it directly in the text and in a cross reference. See 1KI 10:26 in my screenshot (I know this is 9.0, but it should act the same in 8.0):

That’s why I was wondering what error message you got. Maybe the error message is unrelated to not having a book specified.

Arrrgh. You’re completely right.

The problem was the reference was typed in our old format, and so was failing the test. So if you just have chapter:verse (formatted correctly :smile:) and no book name, it works exactly the way I had hoped.

Yes, I have seen several projects with cross-references internal to books and was wondering what has “broken” to keep this from working. I do know of one project that used the book name “Kap” for all cross references in the same book, but they could not pass the Scripture reference checks either.

By the way, the \ior…\ior* and \xt…\xt* markers are routinely used in book introductions and pass the Scripture reference checks. If this ever stops work, please report the bug.

And that is why anon291708 is so valuable! He knows things - and asks good questions. Thanks anon291708! I will retract my previous suggestion so as not to confuse the issue.

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