The chapter numbers are not being place correctly in print draft outputs.

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What is interesting is that the second line for chapter 10 appears to have been indented to accommodate the chapter number. The issue seems to be the first line of paragraphs.
The same sort of thing happens with single column non-justified layout and at wider line spacings.Sometimes the second line is indented for the chapter numbers, sometimes not. But never is the first line correctly placed.

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- What might be wrong?
- What might be the fix?
- Any tips on how to trouble shoot this?
Answering my own question, I removed the custom.sty, and Lo! it worked like a charm.

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Paratext 8 No custom.sty — Font: Minion Pro Size: 9pt Line spacing 1.2 Margins 12mm
The new questions are:
- What in my style sheet causes chapter number placement to fail?
- What am I allowed to do and what do I need to avoid so as not to break chapter number placement?