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Facilitators will leave project for a time. The local team is being asked to prepare “the next book” by multiple version readings and by some personal study (not just looking at commentaries, but really looking at the text):

We want to print two copies on laser printer in large font-size and with wide margins and ask the team to highlight in different colours:

  • all people in the text
  • all locations
  • all direct speech
  • problems and questions
  • possible content differences between versions

The local team does not yet operate PT and I would not know how to do this type of text-study in PT. I could do it in LibreOffice with colour-highlight but not in PT. So if direct printing is not supported, exporting in some format for LibreOffice would be a good workaround.

Is is possible to print resources or not? I have not found a way, could be licensing issue. Still, printing a resource by laser does not feel like taking anything away from the rights-holding publishing houses. Bible paper is too thin to highlight and margins (in the versions we are having here) are not sufficient for study.

We are not talking to print entire Bibles on our laser, we are talking about small books for training; like Jonah. Thank you for your ideas.

If you know online resources in mainstream French versions that allow copy and paste (at least one entire chapter at a time), that might also help. I am aware of bibleserver.com where we got Semeur and Segond 21.

I also found https://www.bible.com/fr/bible/ where I could pull Français Courant and Parole de Vie 2017.

So seeing all these texts online, I wonder why they might be blocked in PT. Hope I just overlooked a menu entry. I can tell you, it is a lot of formatting work, to copy some chapters in four versions and make them consistent for study and printing with large fonts and good spacing and margins. Would be much more efficient from PT draft print thingy.

Paratext by (855 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

What about something like Bible Gateway? I searched for Jonah 1-4 and clicked the Print icon.

There are different options, you can add a parallel version (or versions)…


by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)
0 votes

No, this is not possible. Most of the resource licenses are for inside of Paratext only and only for Bible translation purposes. That is why we have restrictions that make it difficult to get significant amounts of resource content out of Paratext.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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