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We have a user who is experiencing a problem where a certain character combination does not present correctly using the Print Draft feature of Paratext 8, but it does present correctly if you use the computers Print to PDF function.

This particular character set is three characters. It’s not combining the 3rd character.

The user gets image when the user should get image

Any ideas? Thank you.

Paratext by (476 points)

4 Answers

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Best answer

Is the project using a Graphite font?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Yes, the font is a Graphite enabled font.

I would try editing the PrintDraft\PrintDraft-mods.tex file.
Go to the fonts section and insert this:

\def\bold{"MyFontName Bold/GR"}
\def\italic{"MyFontName Italic/GR"}

Where it says “MyFontName” change that to your font.

Save the .tex file. Then probably reopen Paratext to make sure it reloads that file.


  I tried adding the fontname and got an error.  I will send the

log file to both you and anon291708 S.

The key error seems to be

Font \font

=" fontnamepresentedinParatext /GR" at
9.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) fi

  le or installed font not found.


MSEAIT/LT, it looks like you might have added a space before /GR.

Thank you mnjames, I tried removing the space before the /GR but
got the same results.


0 votes

Could you give the project name (or PM me if it’s sensitive) and a location in the text where the problem occurs so we can take a look?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

I will send you an email shortly.

Thank you,


0 votes

Print Draft does not display correctly from
7.6 using Charis SIL 5.0. I have not checked if problem fixed in 8.0. From 7.6 save as RTF, then from Word print to PDF DOES display correctly.

by (536 points)
0 votes

Someone shared with me today that Devanagari is displaying half characters incorrectly in PT8, but it works fine in PT7. Instead of combining consonants, it is displaying the halant between them. I think this was with Print Draft, but it could of been Save as RTF. If that is important I can recheck.

by (1.2k points)

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