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I am helping to manage a project with over 20,000 notes. Sometime in the past couple months 5000+ seem to have spontaneously become unresolved. Any idea how this could have happened?

  • Will restoring the project to a previous point possibly re-resolve the notes?
  • What file/s might have become corrupted to have caused this

I would appreciate any insight.


Paratext by (1.8k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Notes are resolved by creating a new record with a resolved status, so
sounds like a notes file must have been deleted (this can happen if the
file becomes corrupted).

Fixing this would require restoring the file - this possible by getting the
correct version of the file from project history using a tool outside of

If you send me the project name, I can look in project history for further

Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)
0 votes

Thanks for the tip. I looked again at the project folder and saw that the comments file for one user was missing. Fortunately, I had a backup on my computer from before the incident. I just copied the file into the project folder and the unresolved notes disappeared.

by (1.8k points)
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